Treaty Conflict and the European Union av Klabbers Jan - 9780521455466 - Jure bokhandel


Treaty Conflict and the European Union
Författare:Klabbers Jan
Titel:Treaty Conflict and the European Union
Omfång:284 sid.
Förlag:Cambridge University Press
Typ av verk:Kommentar
Ämnesord:EU-rätt , Internationell rätt

Pris: 707 SEK exkl. moms


Jan Klabbers questions how membership of the European Union affects treaties concluded between the Union’s member states and third states, both when it concerns treaties concluded before EU membership and treaties concluded after joining. Following a discussion of the public international law rules on treaty conflict, the author analyzes the case-law of the European Court of Justice and examines how such conflicts are approached in state practice.

Part I. Setting the Scene:
1. Introduction;
2. Understanding treaty conflict;
Part II. International Law:
3. The pre-Vienna convention regime;
4. Drafting the Vienna convention;
5. Post-Vienna convention developments;
Part III. EC Law:
6. The EC and anterior treaties;
7. The UN charter and the European convention;
8. Posterior treaties: Conceptual issues;
9. Posterior treaties: practice;
10. Conclusions.

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