Scandinavian Studies in Law Volume 64 - 9789185142781 - Jure bokhandel


Scandinavian Studies in Law Volume 64
– Insurance law
Titel:Scandinavian Studies in Law Volume 64 – Insurance law
Omfång:350 sid.
Serie:Scandinavian Studies in Law nr. 64
Ämnesord:Allmänna verk och samlingsverk , Internationell rätt , Försäkringsrätt

Pris: 653 SEK exkl. moms


This volume of Scandinavian Studies in Law is dedicated to insurance law. It is the 64th volume in the series. The first volume was published in 1957. In the series we have now published more than 900 articles. All of them, except the articles from the most recent volumes, are freely available on-line. In total, they constitute a unique library of Scandinavian law in the English language.

The present volume on Insurance Law reflects clearly the aims of the series as of today. Most of the contributions are focusing on insurance law in a state of development and modernization. The volume includes contributions from a number of prominent European scholars in insurance law. As an example, Jürgen Basedow is writing about The Europeanization of British Insurance Law. Scandinavian law is taking an important part in the ongoing developments. As another example, Bjarte Askeland is writing about Scandinavian legal culture within the insurance law. Sweden enacted in 2005 a new, very comprehensive and ambitious Insurance Contracts Act, based on far-reaching consumer protection. An English translation of the Act is included in the volume as an annex and the editors are greatful to Norstedts Juridik AB and TransLegal Sweden AB for the permission to reprint this version. The objectives and obstacles behind this Act is described in an article by Thomas Utterström.

The scientific coordinator for this volume has been Bill Dufwa, Professor of Insurance law at the Stockholm University Law Faculty. We are sorry he has not had the possibility to present an article of his own in the volume, as was planned.


- Scandinavian Legal Culture Within the Insurance Law
Askeland, Bjarte

- The Europeanization of British Insurance Law
Jürgen Basedow

- Natural Damage Insurance
Hans Jacob Bull

- The Polyfunctional Role of Punitive Damages and the Conundrum of their Insurability: an Italian Perspective
Diana Cerini

- Regulation of Insurance in the New Czech Civil Code
Petr Dobiáš

- From Contract Certainty to Legal Certainty for Reinsurance Transactions: the Principles of Reinsurance Contract Law (PRICL)
Helmut Heiss

- Prerequisites for the Victim's Direct Claim Against a Liability Insurer According to the Finnish Insurance Contract Act
Jaana Norio-Timonen

- Interpretation of Terms and Conditions of Insurance
Marcus Radetzki

- Protection of the Insured Investor
Ioannis Rokas & Athina Siafarika

- A Mandatory Liability Insurance Scheme for CEO:s and - Board Members – Problems and Possibilities
Jessika van der Sluijs

- The Reform of the Hungarian Insurance Contract Law
Peter Takats

- Members’ Boat Insurance
Hugo Tiberg

- The Development towards the Swedish 2005 Insurance Contracts Act – Legal Obstacles and Political Objections. A Retrospect with Comments
Thomas Utterström

- The Insurer’s Duty to Contract – The Norwegian model
Trine-Lise Wilhelmsen
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