Principles of European Contract Law - Parts I-III (paket) av Lando Ole, Beale Hugh, Clive Eric, Prüm André, Zimmermann Reinhard - 9041120246 - Jure bokhandel


Principles of European Contract Law - Parts I-III (paket)
Författare:Lando Ole , Beale Hugh , Clive Eric , Prüm André , Zimmermann Reinhard
Titel:Principles of European Contract Law - Parts I-III (paket)
Anmärkning:Två volymer. Part I-II och Part III kan även köpas var för sig.
Omfång:852 sid.
Typ av verk:Samlingsverk
Ämnesord:Förmögenhetsrätt , EU-rätt

Pris: 3248 SEK exkl. moms



1. General Provisions
2. Formation.
3. Liability for negotiations
4. Authority of Agents
5. Validity
6. Interpretation
7. Contents and Effects
8. Performance
9. Non-Performance and Remedies in General
10. Particular Remedies for Non-Performance


Preface to Part III.
Members of the Commission on European Contract Law for Part III.
Introduction to Part III .
Survey of Chapters in Part III.
List of Abbreviations.
Text of Articles 10:101 to 17:101 in English and French.

Chapter 10 : Plurality of Parties.
Section 1: Plurality of Debtors.
Section 2: Plurality of Creditors.

Chapter 11 : Assignment of Claims.
Section 1: General Principles.
Section 2: Effects of Assignment as Between Assignor and Assignee.
Section 3: Effects of Assignment as Between Assignee and Debtor.
Section 4: Order of Priority Between Assignee and Competing Claimants.

Chapter 12 : Substitution of New Debtor: Transfer of Contract.
Section 1: Substitution of New Debtor.
Section 2: Transfer of Contract.

Chapter 13 : Set-Off.

Chapter 14 : Prescription.
Section 1: General Provision.
Section 2: Periods of Prescription and Their Commencement.
Section 3: Extension of Periods.
Section 4: Renewal of Periods.
Section 5: Effects of Prescription.
Section 6: Modification by Agreement.

Chapter 15 : Illegality.

Chapter 16 : Conditions.

Chapter 17 : Capitalisation of Interest.

Bibliography of Works Referred to in Part III.
Table of Cases Referred to in Part III.
Table of Code Provisions and Legislation Referred to in Part III.
Index to Part III
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