Good Faith in European Contract Law av Zimmermann Reinhard, Whittaker Simon - 0521771900 - Jure bokhandel


Good Faith in European Contract Law
Författare:Zimmermann Reinhard , Whittaker Simon
Titel:Good Faith in European Contract Law
Omfång:720 sid.
Förlag:Cambridge University Press
Typ av verk:Samlingsverk

Pris: 1290 SEK exkl. moms



Part I. Setting the Scene:
1. Good faith in European contract law: surveying the legal landscape Simon Whittaker and Reinhard Zimmermann;
2. Bona fides in roman contract law Martin Josef Schermaier;
3. Good faith in contract law in the medieval IUS commune James Gordley;
4. The conceptualization of good faith in American contract law: a general account Robert S. Summers;

Part II. The Case Studies:
Case 1: Courgettes perishing: Discussions: editors’ comparative observations;
Case 2: Degas drawing: Discussions: editors’ comparative observations;
Case 3: Breaking off negotiations: Discussions: editors’ comparative observations;
Case 4. Formalities I: Discussions: editors’ comparative observations;
Case 5: Formalities II: Discussions: editors’ comparative observations;
Case 6. One bag too few: Discussions: Editors’ comparative observations;
Case 7: Late payment of rent: Discussions: editors’ comparative observations;
Case 8: Delivery at night: Discussions: editors’ comparative observations;
Case 9: Uniformity of outfit: Discussions: Editors’ comparative observations;
Case 10: Dissolution of partnership: Discussions: editors’ comparative observations;
Case 11: Untested motors working Discussions: editors’ comparative observations;
Case 12: No use for borrowed motorbike: Discussions: editors’ comparative observations;
Case 13: Inspecting the books: Discussions: editors’ comparative observations;
Case 14: Producing new bumpers: Discussions: editors’ comparative observations;
Case 15: Two cracks in a shed: Discussions: editors’ comparative observations;
Case 16: Drug causing drowsiness in driving: Discussions: editors’ comparative observations;
Case 17: Bank miscrediting customer: Discussions: editors’ comparative observations;
Case 18: Access to medical records: Discussions: editors’ comparative observations;
Case 19: Doctors swapping practice: Discussions: editors’ comparative observations;
Case 20: Prescription I: Discussions: Editors’ comparative observations;
Case 21: Prescription II: Discussions: Editors’ comparative observations;
Case 22: Sitting on one’s rights: Discussions: editors’ comparative observations;
Case 23: Long term business relationships I: Discussions: editors’ comparative observations;
Case 24: Long term business relationships II: Discussions: editors’ comparative observations;
Case 25: Effect of inflation: Discussions: Editors’ comparative observations;
Case 26: ‘Sale’ of soccer player: Discussions: editors’ comparative observations;
Case 27: Disability insurance: Discussions: editors’ comparative observations;
Case 28: Crop destroyed by hail;
Case 29: Divorce settlement: Discussions: editors’ comparative observations;
Case 30: Penalty for late delivery: Discussions: editors’ comparative observations;
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