Legal Risk Analysis
� A Proactive Legal Method
Författare:Wahlgren Peter
Titel:Legal Risk Analysis � A Proactive Legal Method
Anmärkning:Boken är en engelsk version av Juridisk riskanalys .
Omfång:216 sid.
Serie:Skrifter utgivna av Juridiska fakulteten i Stockholm nr. 80
Ämnesord:Allmän rättslära

Pris: 294 SEK exkl. moms


In this book the author presents methods for detecting risks in legal work. Several examples illustrate how risk analysis can support crucial work tasks. Pros and cons of various methods as well as preconditions for effective use are discussed.

In legal work safety is an important component. Results should be reliable and all activities must be carried out with great care. At the same time legal work can be complicated. The material is often comprehensive and vague. Resources for performing analyses are scarce and many tasks have to be carried out within limited time frames. Risks for mistakes are many and consequences of errors can be devastating, for clients, people seeking legal protection and lawyers.

Methods similar to the ones presented in this book are in use in many sectors of society, they are however relatively unknown in the legal domain. Legal Risk Analysis is therefore also a book that broadens the understanding of legal methods by adding new components and a proactive perspective.

Peter Wahlgren is professor of Law and IT at the faculty of Law, Stockholm University. He is editor of the book series Scandinavian Studies in Law and has published several books on Law & IT and legal methods.
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