Principles of International Investment Law av Dolzer Rudolf, Schreuer Christoph H. - 9780199651795 - Jure bokhandel


Principles of International Investment Law
Författare:Dolzer Rudolf , Schreuer Christoph H.
Titel:Principles of International Investment Law
Upplaga:2 uppl.
Omfång:530 sid.
Förlag:Oxford University Press
Ämnesord:Krediträtt , Internationell rätt , Processrätt

Pris: 1275 SEK exkl. moms


This book outlines the principles behind the international law of foreign investment. The main focus is on the law governed by bilateral and multilateral investment treaties. It traces the purpose, context, and evolution of the clauses and provisions characteristic of contemporary investment treaties, and analyses the case law, interpreting the issues raised by standard clauses. Particular consideration is given to broad treaty-rules whose understanding in practice has mainly been shaped by their interpretation and application by international tribunals. In addition, the book introduces the dispute settlement mechanisms for enforcing investment law, outlining the operation of Investor vs State arbitration.

Combining a systematic analytical study of the texts and principles underlying investment law with a jurisprudential analysis of the case law arising in international tribunals, this book offers an ideal introduction to the principles of international investment law and arbitration, for students or practitioners alike.

Provides a unique overview of the principles shaping the international law of foreign investment, as they have been defined in investment treaties and by the jurisprudence of international tribunals

Analyses the dispute settlement mechanisms at work in State v. State and Investor v. State Arbitration
Leading introductory text for students on international investment law courses, or for practitioners new to the area

Fully revised and updated to trace the evolution of the jurisprudence and doctrinal opinion since 2008, with added coverage of the BITs of EU Member States
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