Pris: 653 SEK exkl. moms | Arbitration in Scandinavia enjoys a long tradition and has a global reputation. Scandinavian academics, arbitrators, practitioners and courts have made significant contributions to the international development and arbitration institutes in the Scandinavian countries continue to build arbitration practice, develop innovative procedures and expand their global reach.
This volume presents 22 articles on a variety of topics related to arbitration authored by contributors with in-depth experience from Scandinavia and abroad.
- Appointment of Arbitrators: The Norwegian Approach
Borgar Høgetveit Berg
- Non-national Sources in International Commercial
Arbitration and the Hidden Influence by National Traditions
Giuditta Cordero-Moss
- Beyond the Dream: Theorising Autonomy in International Arbitration
Marc Robert Fauvrelle
- Emergency Arbitration in Stockholm
Kaj Hobér
- The Scope of Arbitration Agreements: Is it Time for a New Approach to the Interpretation of Arbitration Clauses?
Torsten Iversen & Mads Bryde Andersen
- The Move to Stockholm of the Court of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) during the Second World War
Sigvard Jarvin
- Judgments Relating to Arbitral Awards and the
European Union’s Principle of Mutual Trust
Bianca Kremer
- Expedited Arbitration – Meeting the Needs of SMEs
Haflidi Kristjan Larusson
- Allege or Refer to Legal Facts – What Does it Mean?
Bengt Lindell
- Concerning the Principle of jura novit curia in
Arbitration from a Swedish Perspective
Finn Madsen
- Investment Protection and Revolutionary Movements
Finnur Magnússon
- A Revised Look at the Hanish-islands Arbitration: The Dual Role of Diplomacy and Inter-state Arbitration to Force Lasting Resolution of Military Conflicts
Cornel Marian
- Arbitration and Domestic Courts in Norway: Sibling Rivalry
Ola Ø. Nisja
- Arbitrators and the Application of Law and Legal Principles
Jan Ramberg
- Awarding Costs in International Commercial Arbitration
Mika Savola
- Emergency Arbitration: Justice on the Run
Patricia Shaughnessy
- Issue Conflicts as Basis for Challenge of an Arbitrator – A new First in Nordic Arbitration Practice?
Anna-Maria Tamminen & Helen Lehto
- Attracting International Arbitrations through Adoption of Predictable and Transparent National Legislation
Tuuli Timonen & Nika Larkimo
- Arbitrators, Disclosures and Challenges – Are We Being Practical or Too Sensitive?
Santtu Turunen
- The Civil Law Effects of Corruption in International Commercial Arbitration to a Contract Governed by Scandinavian Law
Carita Wallgren-Lindholm & Johanna Pasila
- Contractual Aspects of Arbitration Agreements in Danish Law
Anders Ørgaard
- Witness Statements in International Arbitration
James Hope
- Contributors | |