Trading and Exchanges
– Market Microstructure for Practitioners
Författare:Harris Larry
Titel:Trading and Exchanges – Market Microstructure for Practitioners
Omfång:655 sid.
Förlag:Oxford University Press
Serie:Financial Management Association Survey and Synthesis Series
Ämnesord:Ekonomi , Associationsrätt och värdepappersrätt

Pris: 858 SEK exkl. moms
Denna bok behandlar värdepappershandel ur ett mångsidigt perspektiv. Där behandlas vilka typer av aktörer som finns, vilka marknader de verkar på, vilka regelverk som styr värdepappershandeln, samt ett flertal andra frågor.


1 Introduction
2 Trading Stories
Part I: The Structure of Trading
3 The Trading Industry
4 Orders and Order Properties
5 Market Structures
6 Order-Driven Market Mechanisms
7 Brokers
Part II: The Benefits of Trade
8 Why People Trade
9 Good Markets
Part III: Speculators
10 Informed Traders and Market Efficiency
11 Order Anticipators
12 Bluffing and Price Manipulation
Part IV: Liquidity Suppliers
13 Dealers
14 Bid/Ask Spreads
15 Block Trading
16 Value-Motivated Trainers
17 Arbitrage
18 Buy-side Trading Strategies
Part V: Origins of Liquidity and Volatility
19 Understanding Liquidity
20 Understanding Volatility
Part VI: Evaluation and Prediction
21 Measuring Liquidity and Transaction Costs
22 Performance Evaluation and Prediction
Part VII: Market Structures
23 Index and Portfolio Markets
24 Specialists
25 Internalization, Preferencing, and Crossing
26 Competition within and among Markets
27 Floor versus Automated Trading Systems
28 Bubbles, Crashes, and Circuit Breakers
29 Insider Trading
30 Summary of Market Microstructure
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