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Human Rights and Business — Direct Corporate Accountability for Human Rights
Letnar Cernic Jernej, van Ho Tara
Wolf, Internationell rätt
532 sid, 2015, Pris: 507 SEK exkl. moms   

Human Rights and Criminal Justice
Emmerson Ben, Ashworth Andrew, Macdonald Alison
Sweet & Maxwell, Internationell rätt, Straffrätt
Inbunden, 905 sid, 2 uppl, 2007, Pris: 1550 SEK exkl. moms   

Human Rights and Criminal Procedure — The Case Law of the European Court of Human Rights
McBride Jeremy
Council of Europe Publishing, Internationell rätt, Straffrätt
398 sid, 2009, Pris: 553 SEK exkl. moms   

Human Rights and the WTO — The Case of Patents and Access to Medicines
Hestermeyer Holger
Oxford University Press, Internationell rätt, Immaterialrätt
Inbunden, 369 sid, 2007, Pris: 922 SEK exkl. moms   

Human Rights Damages
Scorey David, Eicke Tim
Sweet & Maxwell, Internationell rätt, Skadeståndsrätt
Lösblad, 2002  SLUT på förlag

Human Rights for the New Millennium
Butler Frances
Kluwer, Internationell rätt
260 sid, 2000, Pris: 846 SEK exkl. moms   

Human Rights in Criminal Proceedings
Trechsel Stefan, Summers Sarah J.
Oxford University Press, Internationell rätt, Processrätt
611 sid, 2005, Pris: 515 SEK exkl. moms   

Human Rights in International Law — Collected texts
Council of Europe Publishing, Internationell rätt
Inbunden, 707 sid, 3 uppl, 2007, Pris: 530 SEK exkl. moms   

Human Rights in Private Law
Friedmann Daniel, Barak-Erez Daphne
Hart, Internationell rätt
415 sid, 2003, Pris: 319 SEK exkl. moms   

Human Rights in Private Law
Friedmann Daniel, Barak-Erez Daphne
Hart, Internationell rätt
Inbunden, 393 sid, 2003, Pris: 638 SEK exkl. moms   

Human Rights Law and Practice — 3rd edition
Lester Lord, Pannick Lord, Herberg Javan
LexisNexis, Internationell rätt
Inbunden, 974 sid, 3 uppl, 2009, Pris: 2985 SEK exkl. moms   

Human Rights Law and Practice
Lester Anthony, Pannick David
Butterworths, Internationell rätt
Inbunden, 716 sid, 2 uppl, 2004, Pris: 2358 SEK exkl. moms   

Human Rights Practice
Simor Jessica, Emmerson Ben
Sweet & Maxwell, Internationell rätt
Lösblad, 2000, Pris: 4175 SEK exkl. moms   

Human Rights Protection for Refugees, Asylum-Seekers, and Internally Displaced Persons — A Guide to International Mechanisms and Procedures
Fitzpatrick Joan M.
Transnational Publishers, Internationell rätt
Inbunden, 665 sid, 2002, Pris: 996 SEK exkl. moms   

Human rights protection in the European legal order — The interaction between the European and the national courts
Popelier Patricia
Intersentia, EU-rätt, Internationell rätt
382 sid, 2011, Pris: 973 SEK exkl. moms   

Human Rights: Universality and Diversity
Brems Eva
Kluwer, Internationell rätt
Inbunden, 574 sid, 2001, Pris: 1269 SEK exkl. moms   

Human Security and International Law — Prospects and Problems
von Tigerstrom Barbara
Hart, Internationell rätt
Inbunden, 256 sid, 2007, Pris: 575 SEK exkl. moms   

I svarandens frånvaro
Liukkonen Liro
Finska juristföreningen, Internationell rätt, Straffrätt
531 sid, 2012, Pris: 820 SEK exkl. moms   

IBFD OECD Asia-Pacific Tax and Business Fundamentals 2014
IBFD, Skatterätt, Internationell rätt
768 sid, 2014, Pris: 935 SEK exkl. moms   

IBFD OECD Model Tax Convention on Income and on Capital — Condensed Version 2010 and Key Tax Features of the Member countries 2013
IBFD, Skatterätt, Internationell rätt, Ekonomi
896 sid, 2014, Pris: 1336 SEK exkl. moms   

ICC International Commercial Mediation Training Role-Plays — Cases from the ICC International Commercial Mediation Competition
ICC, Processrätt, Internationell rätt
164 sid, 2015, Pris: 1989 SEK exkl. moms   

ICC Model Commercial Agency Contract
ICC, Förmögenhetsrätt, Internationell rätt
52 sid, 3 uppl, 2015, Pris: 858 SEK exkl. moms   

ICSID Reports - Volume 10
Crawford James, Lee Karen , Lauterpacht Elihu
Cambridge University Press, Processrätt, Internationell rätt
Inbunden, 620 sid, 2006, Pris: 2550 SEK exkl. moms   

Impartial or Uninvolved? — The Anatomy of 20th Century Doctrine on the Law of Neutrality
Wrange Pål
Dokumaten, Internationell rätt
1105 sid, 2007, Pris: 620 SEK exkl. moms   

Implementation Handbook for the Convention on the Rights of the Child — Fully revised edition
Hodgkin Rachel, Newell Peter
UNICEF, Internationell rätt
762 sid, 2 uppl, 2002, Pris: 575 SEK exkl. moms   

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